Thursday, 14 August 2008

In a Word... Attitude.

Hers was bad. And it's put me in a bad mood. She's new. She's a PA. I was helpful and she gave me attitude.

MS Word, as a programme, can be infuriating if you don't know how to use it properly. My solution to this is the Help Menu. (Funny that!) After all, that's what it's there for. A little persistence and perseverance goes a long way and I've learnt many cool tricks and snappy shortcuts in my quest for greater understanding of the tool. The result of this is that I'm often called upon when a colleague has inadvertently clicked on something they didn't mean to, and are facing unwanted blocks, lines etc. etc. on their screen. I don't mind. Especially since nine times out of ten, the victim of word-don't-come-easy-to-me is extremely grateful. To the point of gushing and hero worship. I don't mind that either! But a polite "thank you" will also do.

I was asked to proof read a series of documents for the Media Teams latest newsletter. I did so, and tracked the changes I made for their consideration. "Track Changes" seems to send most people into a flurry of clicking, swearing and dismay. I like to counter this with a quick, informative demonstration on how to accept/decline/deactivate this function... you know, for next time. (Because, there probably will be a next time, especially if I'm checking your work.) Teach a man to fish and all that.

I tried to talk her through it on the phone. She didn't know what I was talking about. So I offered to her at her PC. She sits downstairs on the other side of the building. And she gave me attitude. A whole lot of it. I explained Track Changes and showed her the buttons and options.
(This only took about 30 seconds.) She wasn't interested, she just wanted them gone. Her body language said it all. Arms crossed, no eye contact. (Surely a PA should not behave in this manner, aren't they supposed to be helpful and accommodating? Aren't they supposed to know a thing or two about Word?) Once the changes had been accepted, I smiled and said, "there you go" and turned to walk away. She eventually uttered a very spluttery "thanks". (Surely new people are supposed to endear themselves to the rest of the staff, be excited to be starting a new job, aiming to please? A new broom and all that.

I'm annoyed and dismayed.
In my book, you just don't mess with a favour. But what can one do? I'm trying to let-it-go. And not call her names. (Out loud.) Bi-ecause it's going to come back and bite you when you least expect it: I wish her many text boxes with anchors that won't align with the text.


  1. My Word! She just called me to ask me where to find the "Reviewing" toolbar as she couldn't see it. AND she was suitably nice about it. (It seems that she was listening.) Redeemed!

  2. It's a strange thing, though - there are three kinds of computer users. True "power" users who actually *know* how to do everything, and the two kinds of muddlers - those who have the initiative to use the help menus, search the web for tips, etc., and whose attitude is "I don't know yet, but I've got an idea how to find out and I'm going to give it a try", and then the "rabbit in the headlight" crowd. I get bugged a whole bunch by the last group, who don't seem to realise that I'm not a power user, just a muddler with a bit of initiative. I think a round of floggings would help immensely.
