Wednesday, 19 August 2009


When smoking white-tipped cigarettes. Always, and I mean ALWAYS, check which end you're putting in your mouth.

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

On the way to work ...

I saw two guys wearing the same hoodie. It had broad white and dove-gray stripes. They were on opposite sides of the road, they walked in opposite directions, they were pretty much the same height too. One had his hood up (it's raining here and cold).The other spotted him as they reach the same median and turned to look back at his counterpart. I wondered what he was thinking:
1/ Damn that guy's got good taste
2/ Damn that guy looks hot
3/ Fok!

Monday, 17 August 2009

In the morning ...

I shower, make tea, feed the cats and shuffle back to my room to make my bed.
The covers are still warm. And I resist the urge to dive back in.
Then I pull open my curtains ...

08h04. July 31, 2009.