Wednesday, 22 July 2009

IT'S OVER/rated

I finally watched “He’s just not that into you” last night. I I’ve seen the Sex and the City episode that kicked off the phenomenon. I think the book came out when I was mid breakup. Natch, the last thing I wanted to hear was that he just wasn’t that into me. Sadly, my mom had picked it up (the phrase, not the book) and in trying to consol me blurted it down the phone. Ah, tough love. Needless to say, that put paid to my ever reading the book.

So too, when the movie came out, I didn’t want to see it. But since our server has been sterilized of all (illegal) movies and series that have enabled me to spend whole Sundays in bed watching season 2 of Gossip Girl and season one (and only) of Kitchen Confidential on my laptop, I popped down the video store. (I know, I know, DVD store, whatever, I still say taped, shoot me.)

Honestly, the writers of HJNTIY sold out. Despite a great cast, I was pretty bored and spent most of the time trying to work out whether the girl who looked alarmingly like a redheaded Kirsten Dunst, was Kirsten Dunst. (I was tired okay!)

Three out of five of the principle relationships had happy endings. Come on! The girl who spent the whole movie learning that she was The Rule and not The Exception, ended up being The Exception. Puke. The guy who was adamant about never getting married, asked the girl to marry him AND you could see it coming from about a third of the way in. Please! The final straw was when Drew Barrymore’s character’s delightfully quirky hairstyles vanished in favour of GHDness the morning she met her man. Sigh.

I was expecting a movie that exposed the trials, tribulations and desperateness of dating with harsh light of day in a witty, funny, inspiring (I don’t NEED a man) way. Instead I got yet another completely forgettable Romantic Comedy that wraps everything up neatly in the end and promotes the Life-is-a-Hollywood-Movie myth.

The ONLY thrill was the scene with Some Kind of Wonderful, a true 80s classic romantic comedy – they sure don’t make ‘em like that any more.

The kicker is that when I was at the video store, it was a toss up between HJNTIY and Vicky Christina Barcelona. Or I could have just watched BJD or Love Actually again for FREE!

I feel cheated.

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