Friday, 08 August 2008

another new look...

It's times like this that I wish I were an Art Director, that my knowledge of Photoshop was a bit more than extremely basic, that I were blessed with original visual ideas and that Photoshop hadn't been lost when my machine was upgraded. However, I'm thankful that I work with a studio filled with Art Directors who are sometimes willing to take up my causes... like birthday or baby shower invites and more recently the title/header of U&L. I'm a pretty easy-going "client", mostly because favours are not things to be toyed with.

So, I've been playing around with the blogger settings (we are GMT+2 right?) and limited to templates on the site, I've been toying with ones that are mostly me and will do. PLUS, David helped me out with my header visual which I quite like. Especially the sparkly sun flashes. I'm a bit fickle about pretty pictures. My FB profile pic gets updated regularly. My desktop and screensave are reflections of my mood, which changes rapidly, it's a wonder that I managed to decide on and get a tattoo - no double-clicking allowed there! (It did take me 7 years to decide.) Which is why U&L has tried on so many hats.

Anyway, it's Friday. It's quiet. It's sunny. Thank you Dave! (I pay in chocolate.) And I can't wait for the weekend.

Happy Women's Day all my lovelies!

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